Your younity Mentors

Every day, we seek out the world’s most influential mentors who bring transformative messages, methods, and techniques. Our mission is to help you delve into your inner world, discover your true power, and become the architect of your life.

We connect you with these exceptional mentors, delivering their wisdom and guidance right to your home:

S. H. Dalai Lama

Eckhart Tolle

Joe Dispenza

Anita Moorjani

Bruce Lipton

Gregg Braden

Deepak Chopra

Alberto Villoldo

Neale Donald Walsch

Louise Hay

Gordon Smith

Andreas Goldemann

Bradley Nelson

Byron Katie

Marie Diamond

Bahar Yilmaz

Lee Carroll


Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche

Ruediger Dahlke

Petra Brzovic

Chuck Spezzano

Christian Bischoff

Jack Kornfield

Jon Paul Cirmi


Kurt Tepperwein

Laura Seiler

Frank Kinslow

Kyle Cease

Oliver Tappe

Oliver Tappe

Lee Holden

Michael Beckwith

Ken Honda

Marcela Lobos

Charlie Morley

Matías De Stefano

Scott Schwenk

Howard Martin